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Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan

In high school, I took a class called Music of the 1960s. It was such a cool class, we got to learn about all of my favorite bands and write papers about the meanings of songs and their lyrics. My favorite was writing a paper about Bob Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues. But the best thing about this song is the music video. It’s so simple and yet so cool.

This video has inspired many other artists to create their own videos with a similar theme of que cards. Here are some examples, click the links to watch the vids:

  • Subterranean Homesick Blues - Sizzla (reggae version of Dylan’s song)

  • Far Left - Evidence ft. The Alchemist and Fashawn (gotta love dilated)

  • Head Lice - Margaret Cho ft. Ben Lee (from her comedy album)


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